Thursday 27 January 2011

Pity the newbie...

Ok, so I'm pretty new to this whole 'blogging' thing. As much as I love writing, I've never been able to keep a diary for more than a week, and I've also never seen the point in publicising my most innermost thoughts to complete strangers. But I thought as I'm trying to make myself a better person this year (and yes, I say this every year), I might as well try something new. Talking about my feelings instead of just eating them. And to be honest, although I've only posted once (which was a pretty heavy first post to be fair), I'm thinking that this could actually be quite...cathartic.

So I have been randomly scrolling through some blogs (found a couple of interesting ones already) and I think I could become quite addicted to this. It's possibly one of the most interesting forms of people watching I've ever attempted.

I think the chances of anyone actually reading my, let's be honest, pretty boring blog are slim, but if there are any veteran 'bloggers' out there who can give me any ideas on how to make my blog a bit more...jazzy, shall we say, then please leave a comment as it would be much appreciated :)


1 comment:

  1. As a "veteran" "blogger", I have to say that no jazzing up is really needed. The chosen backgrounds doesn't distract the eye or take away from the writing, the picture does what you need it to, and as long as you keep to the structured paragraphs like in this post the reader can read it easily.

    So well done newbie.
